In silence steam
In silence steam

in silence steam in silence steam

If a player has enough battery in their flashlight, and they have been caught by the monster, one of the best strategies is to use the flashbang effect against it and run away. It is harder for the monster to see the flashlight when a player is inside a building, however. The monster is hyper sensitive to light and sound, due to it being blind, so players should use the flashlight sparingly.


Once the flashlight has a full battery, it will stop consuming batteries that the player picks up and will leave them there for them to find later on. Be careful, because if the monster sees cabinets open in a house from players looking for itrems, they are likely to search the entire house for survivors. This flashlight not only will help the survivor see and make their way through the farm, but will also serve as a defensive weapon against the Rake. In addition to car parts, players can also find batteries scattered about in different buildings to charge up their flashlight. The dog will lead the player to the car, and will make noises when the player is near so they can find it. If survivors are having issues finding the car, they can look for a dog in a cage outside of one of the houses. If one of the players is able to access the armory, the rest of the survivors will have a limited amount of time to reach the car. The monster knows where the car is located, so keep an eye out while repairing the car. Following signs and lights can help players as they navigate the world and look for resources. This process can be difficult, as players will need to search cabinets, drawers, and rooms while the monster is pursuing them, or make sense of the confusing landscape of the area outside.

in silence steam

Players will need to search various buildings in the area to find these parts or find them on the ground nearby. Once all of the car parts have been collected and assembled, players will be able to escape and have won the round. There is a car nearby that players can use to escape, but first, they will need to gather components to make the car functional.

In silence steam